鈴木 俊貴/Toshitaka Suzuki

准教授(卓越研究員)/ Associate Professor


My main subjects are birds belonging to the family Paridae. Using behavioral observations and cognitive experiments in the wild, I am working to elucidate the meaning and grammatical structure of their vocalizations. Recently, I have also been conducting research on the ontogeny of communication as well as interspecific recognition of vocalizations. By integrating knowledges of animal behavior, cognition, and linguistics, I'm hoping to create a new scientific avenue to study animal language.


杉田 典正/Norimasa Sugita

特任研究員/Postdoctoral Researcher


I have academic backgrounds in animal behavior, molecular biology, and museology. My previous studies focused on social behavior in the Bonin flying fox, development of non-distractive DNA extraction methods from natural history specimen, and phylogenetic analysis using DNA barcoding. I'm currently studying the genetic/behavioral mechanisms which cause geographic variation of bird calls. Additionally, I would like to link these studies to wildlife conservation.


松本 結/Yui Matsumoto

特任研究員/Postdoctoral Researcher


With the great theme of understanding the mind, I have been studying ultrasonic communication systems in rodents from diverse approaches, such as ethology, ecology, neuroscience, and endocrinology. Currently, I am conducting research both in the field and in the laboratory, focusing on ultrasonic communication in rodents and language capabilities in small passerines.


本馬 維子Yukiko Honma

博士後期課程1年PhD Student

森 緑Midori Mori

事務補佐員/Assistant Admistrative Staff


Nora Carlson

日本学術振興会 外国人特別研究員/JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow

I am a behavioural ecologist with a focus on how animals coordinate group behaviour and share anti-predator information using vocalizations. Currently I am focused on how anthropogenic noise affects prey behaviour and how that affects their relationships to their predators, as well as how populations differ in their responses to and production of anti-predator vocalizations.
